Beekeeping Supplies
Beekeeping Supplies
Showing all 3 results
Beekeeping Tools
Hand Held Honey Refractometer
Harvesting honey is the reward for the countless hours of toil and effort put into beekeeping.
While there is a general benchmark for when and how honey can be determined to be ripe, mistakes are bound to happen.
When these mistakes happen, you end up getting honey that is not ripe enough for harvesting – which is a huge blow to your investment.
Now that you have a honey refractometer to call your own, guessing becomes far from your harvesting game.
Determine how ripe your honey is and get it only at the optimal stage.
With easy to use directions and a self-starting guide, you are just one purchase away from harvesting better honey consistently.
Beekeeping Tools
Queen Rearing Beekeeping Box
Every bee in the hive is important for one purpose or the other.
Seeing as they all flock around the queen to make her happy, we can say that she is the most important.
Not just to the bees anyway – but to the beekeeper too.
The knowledge of this is enough to justify choosing the right beekeeping box for the queen.
This choice is very simple and minimalistic, yet highly efficient.
The design elements take into account beehive colours that the queen and bees are used to for an even more stress-free, familiar environment.
This aids the claim of the queen rearing box in gaining better usability and functionality.
Combined with the easily removable hive compartments for better honey collection, these beehive boxes are a winner every day.
Beekeeping Tools
Stainless Steel Manual Bee Hive Smoker
Beekeeping can be as beautiful as it can be challenging too.
This is what you get when you work with creatures that can turn up the heat on you at just about any time.
Not if you can help it and flip the tables on them, anyways.
Every good beekeeper knows what an even distribution of steam can do to the hive.
With the right beehive smoker, you can get that even steam into the beehive better to calm the bees.
When you have this beekeeping smoker, the bees stop working your nerves – and you can work them better.